Soothing Drops

Soothing Drops

Sunday, October 2, 2011


Well this week I turned 40 on September 29, 2011....was this a date I was looking forward to absolutely not.  But it came and went and I'm glad it is gone.  For some reason this birth year I was definitely not looking forward to.  So it was a very low key birthday, I took the day off, stayed home, fried chicken and drank wine.  Yes one would say wasn't it horrible that you chose to spend your birthday alone?  Well when I moved here in March I kind of figured I wouldn't know many people and it wouldn't be like a normal birthday in I really wasn't expecting much excitement.  

So the day came and went and the next day I went to the doctor...not an exciting trip to the doctor but good thing is I got my flu shot taken care of so that's handled.  Had to go for some more blood work...and would you believe they had to stick me twice before they got something?  Sometimes I feel like a lab rat...I have rolling, moving, tiny, deep veins and everyone always wants to come look at me like I'm a freak.  I'm not...I'm unique and just because I'm giving you a little bit of a challenge at your profession doesn't make me a freak of nature. So on this trip to the doctor I was stabbed three times!!!!!  Oh and then I have tennis elbow and have to wear this weird contraption that I'm not so sure of but hope it works.

After all is said and done, I go to work walk around the corner to my cubicle and what do I see?  My desk is decorated with the most beautiful purple roses that I have ever seen.  

They are are called purple rain...yes like the Prince song!

So my Friday ended up not being so bad even though it didn't start out very well.  On top of that my co-workers chipped in and gave me a gift card to Massage Envy here in Quincy!  Oh yeah...I will be getting a massage as soon as possible!!!  I LOVE MY CO-WORKERS!!!

Well until next time.... 

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