Soothing Drops

Soothing Drops

Sunday, October 2, 2011


So every year for my birthday, the tradition has always been that my best friend in the whole world Nicole AKA Nikki AKA White Lightning always takes me to Joe's Crab Shack so I can get CRAB LEGS!!!  Well this year it was a little different but still just as good!  

So yesterday Brian AKA White Knight takes me to Legal Seafoods in Natick, MA and I knew it was going to be a fun time when we pull into the parking lot and Brian cuts off an elderly couple for a parking space and then laughs when he does it.  I notice that the couple is going to the same place and I tell Brian that look they are eating here too...and he says see they got a good parking space I wanted to park here! Ha ha ha!  

We have been there before and the last time I got the Fish and Chips and it was really good of course.  So yesterday I decide to get the Fried Fisherman's platter.  This was definitely something I had no business eating...but hey it's my damn birthday I can do what I want!  It was fantastic!  And then instead of cake this year I had ice cream bon bons....they were so delish! (As Rachel Ray would say)

Then after we were stuffed, we went to Crate and Barrel, strolled through the Natick mall and I went to THE most BEAUTIFUL bathroom I have ever visited! There was this huge lounge area where there was chandelier hanging from the ceiling.  A chandelier???? Seriously???  Well was gorgeous in there.  Then after we went there we go to Petco so I can get Zoey poo her food and of course I give in and get her a special treat and a toy that I know isn't going to last 24 hours...but I just can't help it!!!!!

But spending time with Brian is always entertaining, either I'm acting a fool or Brian is making me crack up with his funny sayings.   Oh I forgot to mention that we also stopped at Ben and Jerry's for a frozen tasty treat!  So after we wait longer than we should have I end up with Triple Chunk Caramel ice cream on a sugar cone coated with chocolate!  (another thing I shouldn't have been eating)  But's my BIRTHDAY!  

So Saturday was a fun day with White Knight and Chocolate Delight...that's me!  Sometimes I wish there was a video camera with us at times...kind of like a reality show...because Brian is such a crack up!  But at the end of the day, I went home, got in my jammies and I cuddled with Zoey of course.

Today I got up, walked Zoey, talked to my mom, went back to sleep and didn't get up until after noon!  I've been bumming in my jammies all day today and I was able to get some laundry done this weekend too!  So I guess I have been a little productive this weekend, it wasn't a total bust!  

Hope you all have had a good weekend...tomorrow is Monday so it's back to the old grind!

Well until next time....

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