Soothing Drops

Soothing Drops

Saturday, September 17, 2011


So today was an eventful day.  Didn't get up super early, but it seemed like I was up and out since 6:00am and you will soon find out why.  And why do I travel to Dedham today?  To pick up an All-in-One Washer/Dryer that I found on Craigslist.  So Brian picks me up to take me and on the road we go, we get into this quaint little town (I so forgot to take pictures) and it was so nice there.  It was like one of those little towns that you would see on a TV show.  As we are trying to find the place to pick up this washer, we go through the town once, couldn't find the address turned around, and tried to find it again, still couldn't find it.  So I pull out my trusted BlackBerry, pull up Google maps and now we are in business.  

So we find the place and have to walk up the stairs, open the door and there was "Francesca"...yes I named the appliance.  Hee hee.  

So the gentleman there offered to help Brian take the item down the stairs.  Thank goodness....because I shouldn't have to make these "dainty" hands do man work!  (I'm gonna pay for that comment later! LOL) So the guys get the item down the stairs and Brian swears that he died for one quick second because this is a heavy appliance and apparently it made him see stars then everything went dark.  So I get it.

After, we go to a Starbucks so Brian can get a refreshing beverage to cool him down.  Then we cruise around Dedham for a little bit and after that we went to this pet store called Pet Cabaret.  It was a cute little place and of course Zoey gets some items from there.  We continue on and it takes us forever to get to the highway and back to Quincy.  Of course I didn't eat breakfast so by this time I was S-T-A-R-V-I-N-G and I was so vocal about it.  

But we finally get to this restaurant Quincy Dynasty, it was a decent Chinese restaurant, very nice inside...but because of the traffic we missed the buffet lunch.  Oh we have lunch and it was a decent lunch.

So as I sit here finishing this blog, there is an apple pie baking in the oven for church tomorrow and a load of laundry drying.  This sure beats going to the laundromat!

Well until next time...


  1. A washer and dryer in one!?! That sounds really cool. You'll have to let me know how it works out.

  2. It actually works really good for being one unit. It takes longer to dry things than a regular sized dryer...but hey it beats having to go to the laundromat I'll say!
