Soothing Drops

Soothing Drops

Sunday, September 18, 2011


Well today was another great day!  First I attended church and it was Welcome Back day.  After church we had an outdoor picnic and boy was there a spread there!  From salads, sandwiches, deviled eggs, chips, POPCORN, coleslaw, cookies, cakes and pies!  Fortunately I was able to bring an apple pie I baked and it was a hit!  It went so fast and I felt bad that Ann (my friend) wasn't able to even try it...but Brian did and he said it was pretty awesome.  So my work is done!

After church, Ann was so nice to give Brian a ride home and after that we took a detour to the Quincy Artsfest

So this was officially my first festival here.  It was very nice, all of the vendors, artists, sculptors, photographers and such.  They also had free entertainment from this group called the Java Jive

They were really good and believe it or not they did a little bit of Black Eyed Peas.  And then apparently there are some really talented people at church and they not only had some pieces in the festival, they were doing face painting for the kids at a booth.  It was so nice to see them there, very nice couple.  There was also some refreshments there and of course they had my favorite

POPCORN!  Why I got the bag with hot dog grease on it, I'll never know....but it was a good end to a great day!

Well until next time...

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