Soothing Drops

Soothing Drops

Tuesday, February 25, 2014


THIS is the day that.....I start a new job. This is something that I never thought I would be doing.  Leaving a job after almost 20 years is never an easy thing to do. Starting a new job after being at another one for almost 20 years is even harder.

So I get to work early but I sit in the car  because I don't want to be a goody goody by going in too early. So I finally went in and was so nervous.  I was greeted by hugs and smiles and that was very welcoming and made me feel at ease. And I'm thinking that this will be a good experience.

I had a great day! Everybody was very nice, the office is nice and I got a coupon for a free breakfast taco at the deli. Maybe I will use it one day this week.

Oh and a bonus they took me out to lunch and where did we go? To El Fenix which is my favorite place to go! I love their chips!

I was so grateful for the day although I think I may have fell asleep briefly during training. Ha ha ha!

This is going to be a good experience and everyone is so laid back in the office. So that is awesome!

Well until next time....


THIS is the day that....we got up early to complete the last stretch of driving. We have about 16 hours to go and we need to be in Texas TODAY!

We get on the road early and when we got to Arkansas I was thinking we are in the home stretch not much further. But it was still a long way off! Listening to the GPS mile after mile and it seems like it is never ending and that we are not going to get there in time.  This makes me nervous because the main thing that is on my mind is I have to be at work.

So we cross the border into Texas and I'm like YAY! Then I see a sign for Texarkana and we have 200 miles to go! Are you kidding me?????? So I'm thinking.....okay we are in Texas so we can do this. 

We reach our final destination around 11:38pm. Unload some things out of the mini van and spend some time with DaShonda (my friend who is a life saver by letting us stay with her until our place is ready) before I go to sleep.  I finally get into bed around 12:38am.  Why is it I get up at 4:45am?

So tired but we made it and drove 1,823 miles in 3 days.

Well until next time....

Sunday, February 23, 2014


THIS is the day that.....I'm taking time to blog about our trip yesterday while my husband is driving.

We got on the road about 9:00am. My mother told me last night that we have to do better than that and should be like my father. When we were kids my father used to wake us up at 2:00am to be on the road by 3:00am. Well that's not happening I am a morning person however my husband is not.  But we clocked a little over 700 miles yesterday so that's good. We drove through Connecticut, parts of New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland and almost all the way through Virginia. So that is not bad in a day of driving.

Our meals has consisted of gas station food, McDonald's, Subway and whatever the hotels have had for breakfast. I'm looking forward to real food when I get to Texas.

On a side note.....Zoey has still been awesome during this trip....she has slept most of the time and gets excited when she can stretch her little legs for the breaks.

Driving through Virginia was beautiful but I wish it were summer because it is probably even more beautiful with trees covered with leaves.

I guess will end for now...we have to haul butt to Texas as I have to report to work at 8:00am!

Well until next time......

Saturday, February 22, 2014


THIS is the day that....I'm up early thinking about yesterday. Was it a day of mishaps? Maybe but it depends on how you look at it.

First we got up preparing for the day with the apartment looking like a tornado hit it. My husband is calm as a cucumber as I'm thinking there is NO way we are going to get this done by 10:30am. Well we didn't and I asked ifthe landlord could come back in an hour. He said he couldn't but he would come later that day. I wanted to be there for the walk through because you know how landlords try to scam people. But in this case we had no choice. My job start date has moved up to Monday so we have to get to SUNDAY!  YIKES!!!!

So we continue to pack the van and it is filling up quickly. So now the decision is that we have to start throwing MORE stuff away.  My anxiety levels are rising as this is the stuff I really really wanted to keep and I just had to let go.  I guess in the end it is materialistic things and I can always replace them.

It is about 2:00pm by the time we finished and I wanted to be on the road at least 2 hours ago. Thank goodness it isn't snowing but when we got to Rhode Island we hit a lot of traffic and there was a lot of fog! So we drive and drive and drive I'm thinking we are on the road for 6 hours and I look at the clock and it has only been 3 HOURS!  I want to keep driving but my husband thinks it is a better idea to pull over for the night but I think we should continue driving for as long as we can. Now we are driving through heavy rain which slows us down and then we hit rush hour traffic in Stamford Connecticut. Which led me to wave the white flag and give in to my husband's suggestion of pulling over for the night.

Through all of this Zoey has been a trooper....she just laid on the floor the whole time not complaining at all. Husband slept although he said I woke him up when I was singing Nights on Broadway along with the Bee Gees. Pfffffpt.....he doesn't know what he is talking about he was snoring. Or does he because I WAS listening to that song.

So that was our day yesterday, the van is packed to the limit but we will be chugging along shortly. We are enjoying the wonderful lame ass continental husband's words (well I am) before we pack the van and head out.

Before we came into the hotel last night I checked the odometer thinking we had driven a loooooonnnnng way and we haven't even driven 160 miles yet. Sigh
.....we have a very long way to go.  I thought we would have been near Maryland or something by now. Oh well... we come whoo hoo!

Well....until next time

Wednesday, February 19, 2014


This is the day that.....I have made several changes to my blog.  I have changed the name from To Boston and THIS Is The Day That....
Why have I changed the blog name do you ask????  Well first I haven't done much with the blog since last September and it just became stale.  So I figure a new look, new name, new URL and it will motivate me to keep blogging. And is time for a change I think.

Not only have I changed the look and name of the blog, there are a lot of changes that are going on in my life.  One major change is I have left my job and I'm moving back to Texas for another job.  I think this is going to be a good move not only for me...but for my family.  And who would have thought that I would have left my job after almost 20 years?  Not me....but I took the chance and I'm going to do it.

I know...I know...I swore that I would never move again but hey things "change" right?  But I do have to admit that after this move I really don't think I will be moving for a while.  And this time I mean it....this time the move has not been as smooth as expected.  There have been several mishaps, extra expenses and it is a little stressful with only two more days to go.

I sort of had a meltdown today and had to call my mother.  After I got off the phone with her I did feel better but still overwhelmed.  I do feel that after all of this everything will work out and be what I want it to be in the end.  My friend Brian told me one day....think of this as if you are having a baby, you have to go through all of the labor pains, it's so painful, you may be miserable and you may poop on yourself but once the baby is born everything is okay and you will be happy.  I just love how he makes me laugh when he comes up with these things.  Ha ha!

With this change in my life also comes some sadness, I will be leaving friends that I have met here as well as a church that I had become a major part of over the last few years.  I have connected with some amazing people while I have been here in the Boston area and I am so sad to have to say good bye to them.  I also met my husband here on the subway on the Red Line, so that is another wonderful thing that has happened to me here.  But man this weather up here is for the birds!  I'm so done with the cold....and I try not to complain because I do live in the New England area but it has been cold here since OCTOBER!!!!!  I'm ready to leave this.  It is kind of ironic that I will be starting my new job almost exactly the same date that I started working here in Boston. 

Bring on the warmer weather!!!!  I'm not looking forward to the drive it will be a long one.  But I'm sure I'm going to have A LOT to blog about for this road trip.  I think this will be our "vacation" this year so we better make it a good one!

Well until next time....