Soothing Drops

Soothing Drops

Wednesday, April 24, 2013


So in my lifetime I have had my fill of migraines and let me tell you they are not fun.  I have many friends who deal with migraines and one in particular who deals with them on a daily basis.  And I feel for her because it is to the point that they are debilitating and if she has 1 day where she has no migraine that is a miracle.  And even when she has a good day her body is so exhausted from being in pain for days at a time that this one day she tries to enjoy the few hours she has without pain but she is recuperating for the next time when the migraine comes back. 

So today during my commute in as I'm reading the Boston metro I come across this article by Joy Bauer (Health and Wellness expert for the Today show) and it is about 5 Healing Foods To Help Combat Your Next Migraine.  So I read it because I want to pass this information onto my friend but then I thought I will write a blog about it because I have several friends who deal with migraines and they might find this helpful.

So here is some things that she suggested that may be helpful:

1.  Ginger tea:  Ginger can help prevent migraines and can help relieve pain after you have one.  You can either buy the tea bags or make your own by taking thinly sliced pieces of fresh ginger and steep in boiling water for 5 minutes.

2.  Quinoa:  Now this I was surprised to see on the list but it is a great source of magnesium.  You can either cook it and eat it warm with herbs and spices or take left over quinoa and top it with Greek yogurt and chopped fruit and you have a "Breakfast Quinoa Parfait"!

3.  Eggs

4.  Spinach

5.  Mushrooms

The last three are excellent sources of riboflavin and it's necessary for the body.  I was definitely surprised to see these on the list as well.

But hopefully this will help some people who are looking to ease pain of these terrible migraines.

If you want to read more things from Joy Bauer here are her links: ,,, and you can even follow her on twitter @joybauer. 

Well until next time....

Thursday, April 18, 2013


So Tuesday the day after the bombing at the Boston Marathon every one was suspicious about everybody.  You could just tell just by the way people walked around.  So after I got off of work I went to the Milton Fruit Marketplace (which is becoming my new favorite place) for some produce on my way home. 

Well after I finish shopping I had way more grocery bags than I know go in for a few things and come out with 50! I considered calling a cab but I figured I'm so close to home that it's not worth it to waste the money on a cab so I decide to take the bus.  

As I'm waiting for the bus a car goes past, stops and backs up.  The window rolls down and the woman in the car asked me if I needed a ride somewhere.  I politely declined and said that my bus will be coming shortly.  She then said, "Look....everyone is really on edge with what happened yesterday but I just want to give you a ride home.  It is cold and you really have a lot of bags so please let me give you a ride home."  Reluctantly I said okay and proceeded to put my bags in her car and get in.  When I get in the car I could hear her cousin through her headset screaming "WHAT ARE YOU CRAZY????  YOU DON'T KNOW WHO SHE IS!!!!"  With that she answered her cousin in a calm tone telling her that there was no way she could go past me when she was willing and able to give me a ride home.  And then she told her that if I even tried anything she would open up the door, push me out and take my groceries!  HA HA HA!  She continued to take me home, asked me if I needed anything else and introduced herself to me as Tamela and told me to take care.

So many of you are probably thinking I'm crazy for getting in that car and why did I do it.  Well was I nervous, scared and skeptical?  Of course I was, but I tell you what I did feel that she was okay.  So this lesson is yes there are still genuinely nice people out there who really are just being nice and do not expect anything in return.

So to Tamela wherever you are, I know that good things will happen for you because for someone to help another when not asked is the most genuine thing a person can do.  I will never know you personally, but know that you must be a pretty awesome person.  

She may never see this and I will probably will never see her again but I thanked her and felt like devoting this blog to her today.

Well until next time....

Tuesday, April 16, 2013


So I came across an article today and saw a random article about a guy who quit his job with a cake that he baked.  Apparently he was an aspiring baker and had a cake business on the side.  And his business was growing so he quit his job and quit with cake in hand like this:

How awesome is it to not only quit, but to tell your former employer that if they need your service they can contact you.  Now....if I ever quit my job I wanna do it like this!  Or if I don't become a baker, then whatever else I decide to do.

Well until next time....


Most of you may think this is a stupid blog and some may think it is funny.  But my thought is if you don't want to read anything stupid then stop reading now because it is random and kind of like WHAT????

So as I was eating lunch today, (my husband made the best pork chops) I get down to the meat near the bone and I'm thinking wow...this meat is so tasty, juicy and so good!  Then it makes me wonder.....why is the meat near the bone so juicy, tender and flavorful?  Well whatever it is it made me enjoy my lunch even more!

Now if you are still reading this, when are you going to learn your lesson?  I just stole approximately 42 seconds of your time.  Are you mad?  If so, sucks to be you!  HA HA!!!!

Well until next time....


Okay I promised after my last blog that I was going to try to write about something a little more upbeat.  So this is going to be a blog that will probably make you laugh and then think "Oh, I hope that doesn't happen to me" or "Yup, that has happened to me". 

Since I have changed the bus I ride in the morning I ride the bus with three other women I met on the bus and they are just so nice.  So today is just like any other day and when we get to the train station we are speed walking to get to the train.

Well unbeknownst to me, my feminine products fly out and hit the ground.  One was in front of me and then the one behind me says says "I'm assuming these are yours since your purse is open!" and starts laughing.  Meanwhile a few other people were laughing and don't even get me started on my friend she was laughing soooooooo hard.  I'm thinking "HOW EMBARRASSING!!!"  My first thought was to just keep walking and say "Nope not mine!"  Meanwhile, everyone behind me probably saw what happened.

Then when we get to the platform and we are waiting for the train, she is still laughing hysterically (as was I ha ha!) and who was in front of me is in the dark asking what happened.  So I tell her and you would think she would be a little sympathetic but responded "Oh man...if I saw that I would have guffawed!"  And then she starts laughing now as well....nice real nice!

So ladies, please tell me that this has happened or almost happened to you as well.  Otherwise I would feel pretty dumb....or I need to stop carrying this cute purse that I have grown to love.  But after the events from yesterday, I guess it was nice to see people laughing and smiling even though it was at my expense.  LOL!!!

Well until next time....


It has been quite some time since my last blog that I write this with a heavy heart due to the tragic events that happened here.  Everyday here in Boston we get this local newpaper which talks about all of the happenings that goes on, the good the bad and the ugly.  Well yesterday at the Boston Marathon, the ugly happened.  And boy did it happen. 

Fortunately I work in the Financial District, which is closer to the North End area of Boston and the location of the explosions was on Boylston Street, in the South End.  Now that doesn't mean that we were far away but within 1-1.5 miles from there which in my opinion is too close to home.  As a matter of fact we didn't feel the explosion, we didn't even hear it and the only reason why I found out was because I got a text message from my brother Darryl asking if I was okay.  Then I had to ask him what is going on....go figure.  But shortly after he sent me a text, then we could hear sirens in the area, then all the rumors started which half of them were not true. 

My husband wanted me to come home immediately but I chose to stay at the office and wait because I figured that the later I for things to die down then it would be easier for me to get home.  He also suggested that I take a cab home instead of Mass Transit because there were so many things unknown that it would probably be the safest mode of transportation even though no one was safe.  So there were two of us left in the office and after we heard that the trains downtown "might" be shut down we figured we better leave and get home. 

When we left the office it was a weird feeling outside....there were people walking around and cars driving around (not as many as normal) but it was a very eerie feeling.  It was quiet....not the type of quiet that makes you relax but the quiet that makes you VERY nervous.  I was trying to explain it to my friend on the phone last night and it reminded me of when it first snows and you wake up and before the snow plows come through or people are out it is very quiet.  So I look across the street at the cab stand that normally has at least 8 cabs sitting there waiting and there are NONE!!!  I try to hail a cab and they all drive by with people in them or some had no people but they must have been driving to pick someone up.  At this point my co-worker decided she was going to try her luck with the train and go home.  People were kind of wandering around in the streets looking around as if they didn't know what to do and it was really making me nervous because this person or these people involved could have placed more bombs anywhere in the city.  It was kind of like a feeling of a ghost town or a scene in a zombie movie where there were people around but it was like time was standing still

Three girls left the building the same time as me and they asked if I would split a cab with them because we were kind of going to the same area so I said it was fine and as we are standing there waiting they were talking and then finally I said I need to get husband is already worried.  They were telling me that they heard and were told to stay off the train that one of the lines could be a target.  I told them I couldn't wait any longer and would take my chances with the train.  Before I went to the train station, I checked out one more cab stand and there were a bunch of people waiting there with NO cabs...I was thinking this is ridiculous.  Another person in our office building was walking with me and suggested I walk with her to Downtown Crossing to get a cab but I didn't want to take my chances because if I didn't get a cab there I would have to walk back to South Station since the train was not stopping at Downtown Crossing.  The 2 years that I have been here, I have never seen those stands with no cabs around so I continue on to South Station to get my train.

Surprisingly, my commute home wasn't bad at all.  There were no delays and it was a smooth ride.  Even everyone on the train was quiet except this woman talking to her husband about the chaos that was going on in South End.  She said she never saw so many people with the look of terror on their faces, she kept telling him over and over how awful it was and she was so glad they weren't in the immediate area.  So when they heard the noise and then the screaming her and her friends got out of their and quick!

Was this a terrorist attack?  It most likely was regardless if it was domestic or international there is a person or a group of people that feel it is necessary to terrorize people who don't even know what is going to happen to them.  A friend of mine posted on Facebook today that it is so ironic that the last mile of the marathon was dedicated to the people of Newtown CT and here there is a bomb at the finish line of the annual Boston Marathon.  This is so sad and a shame indeed....

There are many theories as to why this happened, it was Patriots' Day here in Boston yesterday and alot of other terrorist attacks were done during this same week in earlier years.  What is wrong with people???  I am glad to announce that all of the people I know as well as their family members are safe and sound.  My co-worker who was at home was really close to the site and his building that he lives in actually shook when the explosions happened.  He said it was chaotic there but he is fine as well.  Thank goodness!!!

I wish I could report that things are back to normal here in Boston but they aren't.  Well maybe sort of, but of course there is still fear in everyone wether you are on the train, bus or walking around downtown.  You can see the look on the faces of people, and you can tell that we are trying to be more aware of our surrondings when we walk.  There is alot of military personnel some of the heavily traveled train stations here.  I get off at South Station every day and there were armed military there with machine guns, undercover police officers as well as uniformed police officers.  I also saw a few from the U.S. Coast Guard there as well.  They will be stopping anyone and everyone who have a large bag or backpack and aren't gripping them tight.  So pretty much if you look weird and suspicious you WILL be stopped!  Which I don't mind at all....part of me is not sure if I should be scared or safe but in the end I just need to be more aware of what goes on around me.  Report suspicious looking people, bags and items etc.

The Boston community is talking about what we saw, heard, and feel.
This will be a time that will be talked about quite often, a time that people will fear every year when it used to be a time that people couldn't wait for.  I am starting to wonder how this event will affect the marathon next year, will it be canceled?  Will people even want to participate in it?  How is what happened going to affect the New York marathon this year?  So many questions and no answers to them.  I know this isn't my normal upbeat blog but I just felt like I had to write this today.  The next one will be better.

Well until next time....