Soothing Drops

Soothing Drops

Sunday, July 3, 2011


Well, today I was able to knock one item off my Top 10 Boston Bucket List.  Brian lives in South End which is not far from this Flea Market that happens every Sunday until October.  So we go to the SOWA Open Market:

So when you hear of flea market, you think of a big building with alot of people selling their junk.  Well not this place, you do have people selling their "vintage" items, but you also have people selling baked goods, paintings, pictures, and we saw this one booth where this guy was so talented he made pictures out of wire.  Should have gotten a picture, but I forgot.  So many booths there and so many things to see.  But at all flea markets what else do you have.....snacks, food and ICE CREAM!  

So after we walk around, we end up getting some yummy ice cream and then go into this neat shop called Mohr-McPherson.  Wow was this a store with alot of interesting things.  They had alot of items with an Asian flair, and I saw many things that I liked.  I realized that I need to just become a millionaire so I can just buy whatever I want!  But I loved these two wooden sculptures for some reason.

And of course I just loved this table and hopefully one day it shall be mine....

And there was so many more neat items, I could never post them all here but you kind of get the idea of what they sell there.  Although, I didn't make a purchase here, Brian did (I'll be posting a picture at a later date) and they give you their bag which Brian gave to me and will now be a bag that I can carry Zoey in if I decide to go to the beach in the near future...

After we finished there, we ended up going out to Joe's American Bar and Grill, which they always have great food there, I have not been disappointed yet except when the guy overcharged us the last time, but I took his pen so we are even now!  We had a nice dinner and then for some reason we always end up at Target where I purchase another toy for Zoey which always ends up broken within a 1/2 hour but she always enjoys it at first when it squeaks

Let's just say it had squeakers in the four feet, which are broken now, but it is still in tact for now.

There you go, my day in a nutshell and one item marked off of my Boston Bucket List!

Well until next time.....


  1. The SoWa Market is the best! I was there two Sundays ago...bought some homemade soaps, a couple of t-shirts, but was sad when I couldn't find the guy who sells homemade pickles. Got a quart of delicious dilly pickles last summer...Did you see him during your visit? I'm hankering for some pickled treats.

  2. YES! The pickle guy was there during my visit. Since it was my first time there I mainly looked around but when I go back, I will be making several purchases!

  3. buy the pickles! buy the pickles!!!!!
