Soothing Drops

Soothing Drops

Monday, July 25, 2011


This was a pretty interesting weekend and Brian and I went out to dinner and the movies.  Then after the movies walked around Harvard Square.  So we go to this cute little hangout place called the Cambridge Brewing Co.

This place kind of reminded me of a place that you could go to and if you were a regular, they would end up knowing your name. I could see myself finding a small little place like this and going once a week or so to socialize.  While we are there, we get nachos as an appetizer, and it was a mountain of nachos!  We both looked at it like WOW!!! And then from there I had a fancy BLT sandwich with fancy cheese and fries that I didn't finish.  After we finished there we went to Kendall Square Cinema to see an independent film called Beginners with Ewan McGregor and it was a good movie, and this place did have some pretty awesome popcorn.  

Then after the movies we just cruised around Harvard Square, Cambridge Square, and Porter Square....very nifty little areas and I actually can say that I went to Harvard.

So I couldn't find a good picture of Harvard at night but I found this one....and being that Harvard Yard is surrounded by walls, you can't park your car in the Harvard where did they get that saying from anyway?  Who knows!

So as we are cruising around, Brian screams "Oh my God....there's a Starbucks and it's still open!" By this time, it was about midnight and they were actually open until 1 am!  And right before he saw it he said if he could find a Starbucks he would totally stop.  A two level Starbucks where there is seating on the first floor and upstairs some more seating and a piano!  Yes you got music on certain nights, how cool is that?

Oh and I forgot to mention the screaming preacher guy who was in Harvard Square, that was a pretty funny sight.  So was the hot tub on the street....yes this group of people had a hot tub going, music blasting, drinking and having a great time.  Where can you do that?  In good old Cambridge Mass!

So there you have it, my Saturday evening in a nutshell and learned a lot about the Cambridge area.  My tourist guide on hand is what Brian is, I tell him he is a walking encyclopedia, but he says "I know a little about a lot of things; but don't know a lot about one thing."  Well he definitely knows a lot more than I'll ever know...well about history anyway.  

So I'll just remain the wing man, learning new things about Boston and all it can offer hanging on the passenger side of my friend's ride who shall be called the White Knight and I'm Chocolate Delight.  Yup....those are our nicknames we are starting a gang. LOL Brian just cracks me up!

Well until next time....

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