Soothing Drops

Soothing Drops

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


So being here in Boston, you see the weirdest faces and I know for a fact that I have made some of these faces as well.  So enjoy the view that I see on a daily basis.....and here we go:

This is me, and how I look when I'm on my way to work

In Boston, there are three levels of anger....Irritated, Angry, IRATE!!!  I saw alot of irate faces when a poor man committed suicide and they were angry the trains had to be re-routed and they took it out on the MBTA workers.

This is what the crying kids on the bus look like....

Then we have the various levels of disgust...Like the I missed the bus again look

Now I know you aren't wearing that look...

 Now I know you aren't wearing flip flops with those crusty feet....

You are standing in my personal space look....

Hellloooooo.....I am standing here!!!

Why do you keep bumping into me look....


Then we have the different levels of friendliness....

The overexcited nice to meet you out for these people, they can be crazy....

See you tomorrow....

The normal nice to meet you have a great day look....

Then you have the rare, oh I'm sorry look when someone bumps into you and the oh you go right down there helpful with directions look

Then you have the I smell something yummy look when you are in down town Boston from all the wonderful restaurants down there....or for me it's my "I'm getting a lobster roll look!"

Then you have the "Wait for me look" as the train departs......

And the look on the faces of people on the train as it departs...

And last but not least.....the I can't wait until I get home look

So there you have it....the daily faces of Boston....this is what I see and probably what I do on a daily basis....Boston is so entertaining!

Remember....the look on your face speaks watch it because sometimes you don't even need to open your mouth for someone to guess what you are actually feeling.

Well until next time.....

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