Soothing Drops

Soothing Drops

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Well, went to this golf course in Quincy where I live.  Heard it was the best place to see the Boston skyline.  But it was really humid and there was a haze but I think that I may go back on a better day to get a clearer picture.  But I think it was nice up there and a beautiful golf course it was.  

And then you could see the Blue Hills from here too.  So nice!

And then on Sunday I finally found a church to go visit.  I met a person that I ride the bus with and I told her I was still new here and was looking for a church.  And she invited me to go to church and I went.  Nice small church, reminded me of my Grandmother's church.  Alot of singing, people shouting out "Praise the Lord!" "Yes...Jesus!!" and "Hallelujahs!"  but for some reason I left the church with a positive attitude.  So there was something right about this place.  I will be going back, but there is another church that is closer to my home that I'm going to visit before I make my decision.  But it was a nice day.

Well that was my weekend....until next time!

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