Soothing Drops

Soothing Drops

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


What is one attraction that people want to go to when they come to Boston?  Well Cheers of course, which used to be the Bull & Finch Pub before it became Cheers.  Well I was able to experience visiting this famous bar when some friends came into town.

First, I got us kind of lost but the person who was not from here took out a map and we got to Cheers!  Hey, I got us there on the train, what more do you want from me, this was my first time going to this area by myself no less.  But we do get there.

I have no idea why that woman is staring at me....anyway let's head on down the stairs

Like my Cheers trail map that I'm holding?  Let's go inside!

We were in the back room, very small...way smaller than I thought and the main room did not look like the TV show.  You would think it would but oh well.  They have all the normal types of bar food there, but don't get the baked beans, especially if you are expecting some knock your socks kind.  The baked beans there are equivalent to "beanies and weenies that our parents made us as kids.  But you have got to try the drink called the Frasier's Diagnosis!  It was sooooooo good!!!!  And on top of the you get a glass to bring home for free, I'm gonna mix drinks at home and use my Cheers glass one day.  I'm sure the other drinks are good as well, guess I have to go back and try some more.  Also visit the gift shop, you can find some neat things there although I'm sure you can find some of that stuff cheaper elsewhere...but hey you are at get it at Cheers. 

Of course had to go to the bathroom before we left, and look at what we saw in there:

Talk about a one stop shop! A little something for every need!

Had a great evening with friends and the funniest quote of the night of course spilled from my lips "How big is your hot dog?"  Yes, I asked this to our waiter and he paused, got a little embarrassed, and said "Um the size of regular hot dogs?" Both of my friends were doubled over in laughter, then I thought about how my questioned sounded.  But really I was asking about the food, I swear!

But the one thing I found out is....they really don't know your name there, so don't expect it if you go to visit.  And if you come to Boston, don't forget to call me, because now I do know where it is!

Well until next time....

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