Soothing Drops

Soothing Drops

Thursday, August 2, 2012


Oh here we go again, another sickness.  Kind of makes you wonder why people lived here in Boston.

It started August 27, 1918 at the Commonwealth Pier in Boston.  After many sailors got sick they were transferred to Chelsea Naval Hospital.  At the same time some ships left to head out to Philadelphia and New Orleans carrying the virus.  The more people who had the flu it spread quickly.  During the height of this epidemic at Camp Devens, approximately 100 soldiers were dying per day.

By September 1918, the virus was not isolated with troops now it spread throughout the United States and many people that came in contact with the troops were infected.

The death toll in Boston was horrible.  It was so bad that schools and draft boards temporarily closed to decrease public gatherings, and even some retail stores reduced their hours to avoid having alot of people in one place.  

By October 1918, 3,147 people dies of influenza or pneumonia in Boston.  On October 1, 1918 202 people died in Boston just on that one day.  The tour guide also mentioned something interesting....she said that I guess there were some soldiers (62) were locked up for one reason or another.  And they were asked to become test subjects to receive a flu vaccination and were warned they could possibly die.  But if they didn't die they would be released and could go about their business.  All 62 subjects survived and were released.  Guess the government thought some of them were going to die...joke was on them.

So there you have it the flu shot was born!  Hang with me for a minute....the last few subjects were a little boring but it gets more exciting.  We have murder, financial schemes, waves of molasses, stealing, mob family and body snatchers coming up!

Next up....the Ponzi Scheme???? 

Well until next time....

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