Soothing Drops

Soothing Drops

Monday, August 6, 2012


So apparently on top of all the beaches located here in Massachusetts they have several islands as well and these islands that make up the Boston Harbor Islands.  Alot of people go camping, fishing, or if they are fortunate to own a boat they go there and just spend the day at several of these islands.

Fortunately my friend Ann has so much knowledge of the Quincy, Milton, Weymouth and Hingham area.  So every once in awhile after church she will take me around and show me these areas so yesterday we went to Nut Island.  A very quiet little quaint island where people stand on the pier and go fishing, or just look at the beautiful views of the area and the Boston city skyline.

There is just something that is just so peaceful and calming about looking out on the water.

And there was several people on the pier some were fishing, and some were just looking out on the water

I'm not so sure about fishing in this water because Ann told me that the old sewage plant that closed years ago is still on this island but not in operation. So I wouldn't feel confident about eating any fish that came out of this water.  Ha ha!

Then I saw this weird seaweed by the was pretty cool.  

You can't really see it in the picture but as I was taking this picture, I started to feel drops of water.  So I ask Ann "is it raining?"  And she said "What???"  I said "I feel water I think it is raining."  So she said "no it isn't."  Then I thought that maybe it was the water splashing up from the rocks.  Well nope...that wasn't it because I look up and see this

Okay don't mind my finger in the picture but these dark clouds rolled in and as soon as I took the picture a clap of thunder scared us and Ann said "let's go it's raining!"  Geesh....I thought I just said that!  Anyway it was fun as we had to speed walk back to the car and got just a little bit wet but we survived.  All in all we had a good afternoon.  She is such a nice person.

Well until next time....

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