Soothing Drops

Soothing Drops

Saturday, August 25, 2012


Never in a million years would I have guessed that I would ever be working down town in a city.  Nor did I ever think I would enjoy it....don't get me wrong I love going out to a happening place which would be in a city where things are going on.  But to work there never would have thought I would.  So this is my office building:

And the reason why I enjoy working down in the Financial District is because there is never a dull moment...especially if I wander out during my lunch break.  There are always people walking around, lounging in the park at Post Office Square (in the summer of course) and there are many different eateries to visit within probably a good ten blocks.  You come across great people, stupid people, jerky people and mean people.  As much as I do enjoy working here, it really irritates me the attitudes of the people here.  (My co-workers are awesome though)  But even though I come across a lot of jerks here, I see some pretty funny stuff too.  And I have met some great people on the bus and the train during my commuting travels and I see them every day during my commute.  One of which I have become friends with and one who is my honey...which I'm sure you all know who I'm talking about. :)

But granted down town here is definitely not like the down town in New York...but there are alot of similarities.  For instance, we have a Chinatown, and a Little Italy.  In the winter, you see steam rise from the manhole covers, people bundled up but still being fashionable in their clothes.  Then there is Downtown Crossing which is filled with stores, delicatessens, restaurants...and of course bums.  But hey bums are time I was in Downtown Crossing with my co-worker and he was in McDonalds and I was waiting outside because I was not wanting to be tempted to get something from there.  Well I was approached by a bum and he asked me if I could give him some money to buy a sandwich for lunch and I didn't have any cash so I told him that.  He responded with "Well why can't you use your debit card".  Wow really????  Anyway where was I, then you have Faneuil Hall, Quincy Market (which is a foodie dreamland), and different stores to shop at. You always see lots of tourists walking around, taking tours, visiting the aquarium, riding the duck boats and more.  It is to my understanding that the area has changed quite a bit and it was much better years ago...but I can only go by with what I am able to experience myself.

So if you use your time wisely, you can really visit several things during your lunch break.  I always like to walk around with my co-worker Brian...he is like a walking Wikipedia seriously.  There is a ton of history here, and right around the area where I work.  Some of the old buildings and architecture are amazing.  The one place I haven't gone to yet, which is on my bucket list is the Boston Public Library...I have seen pictures and have heard that this place is amazing inside.  So when I do go, believe me there will be a blog about it.  

Even though this transition has been a difficult one, I'm glad that I have been given the opportunity to go through this experience.

Well....until next time.

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