Soothing Drops

Soothing Drops

Monday, July 16, 2012


Sooooooo....this weekend I decided to take myself to the movies.  At first I wanted to go see Madagascar 3 or Ice Age 4.  And before you I wasn't going to bring a kid with me.  Why can't an adult go to a good funny movie without getting weird looks because they don't have a kid with them???  Anyhoo....I figure I would go to a low key theater not the fancy stadium seating, no frills, no fluff...just a good old fashioned theater with regular seats and such.

Well......I didn't know what I was getting myself into...if you are not wanting the frills and the fluff...this is the place to go!  

When you go to this theater don't expect much.  Now not that this place was's just REALLY REALLY REALLY OLD!!!!!  Very small, only two screens.  You walk into the lobby and look to the right and there is the women's bathroom.  Look to the left and there is the men's bathroom.  And then in that same general area is where you can get your popcorn, drinks and candy.  AND you buy your tickets at the same register.  So it's like a one stop shop and you can go back in time (without a time machine) and enjoy a cheap movie.  $5.00 matinee and $7.00 regular hours.  So it's not like going to a dollar movie theater in Dallas...but it is cheaper and you can still go see a movie.

I love popcorn...but their popcorn is REALLY salty almost too salty! But I went to see Moonrise Kingdom...the movie was okay.....let's just say that I could have waited until it came out on DVD.  But to each his own.

Well....until next time!!!!

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