Soothing Drops

Soothing Drops

Monday, July 16, 2012


Another thing I did this weekend was finally take Zoey to a dog park that is not far from where I live.  I get her all excited and we go as I open the gate Zoey runs in there and then stops.  I turn around and take a look and this is what I see.... see....NO OTHER DOGS!!!  Are you kidding me?  It was probably around lunch time on a Saturday afternoon.  So poor Zoey is so disappointed and really didn't look like she was having any fun.  Well how could she with no  other dogs to play with.  So the gate opens and here comes another dog!  Of course Zoey gets excited and the other dog was not having it and walk away. They stayed for about 5 minutes.  So Zoey was a good sport and scopes out the place for another few minutes.

So I couldn't torture her anymore and I'm thinking maybe we should go and Zoey stops in the middle of the park and looks at me like this....

Okay this is the look that states "This blows!  It's hot there is nobody here and I want to go home!"  And that is what we did.  Hopefully the next time it won't be empty.

Well.....until next time!

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