Soothing Drops

Soothing Drops

Thursday, July 19, 2012


So this past weekend was pretty eventful a group of friends from church decided it would be nice to go to Plymouth for the afternoon.  A good idea it was indeed.  First we went to the Plimouth Plantation....and yes it is spelled right.  The reason why Plimouth is spelled this way is because they didn't have any rules with spelling so it was spelled the way it sounded.  Well those of you who know me know that history is not my strong point but I really enjoyed coming here and learning about the indians and pilgrims.  So I will kind of walk you through my day.

First we went by the Wampanoag Homesite...

Now the people who work here are real Wampanoag indians and here they are making a boat.  It can take the men up to 7 days to complete making a boat. What they do is carefully burn the inside of this log and scrape the burnt part away until it is to the thickness they desire.  Also this technique causes the sap to seep through the wood to the outside and it is a natural sealer to the boat.  It was really neat to watch this.

Then the next thing we saw was one of the larger houses

This house would hold up to 3 generations of a family here.  All of the men stayed on one side and the women and children on the other.  Hanging on the walls on the side with the men hung things which were life taking. (bows, arrows, hatchets, knives...etc)  On the side with the women were things hung that were life giving.  (baby carriers, cooking utensils, clothing...etc)

This house was also the "winter house" which was made of different material than the summer hut which would only hold one family.  Then you have the "outdoor kitchen" and some days women would spend their whole day here making sure there was enough food prepared for their families for the day.

Yes...that is a real turkey they are cooking and they will eat it later.

Next we headed to the Pilgrim village....walking there was like turning back the hands of time.  We saw Elder Brewster

He was the pastor at the church and one weird thing is back then you were not married in the church and the pastor was not allowed to marry you.  You got married by the governor.  

This was the meeting house...or church and downstairs they had Sunday sermons and upstairs was the fort with cannons where people would watch over the plantation to make sure enemies would not come through.

The plantation was very small and we saw many of the people that worked there and boy I had to give them credit because of the clothing they had to wear and it was sooooooo hot that day!  I was sweating bullets and I was wearing short sleeves and capri pants!

We saw animals and their gardens...

My question is all of the vegetables and herbs and stuff where does that stuff go???  Who uses it? was a great day so we were finished and we had time to go see Plymouth Rock!!!!

Um.....this is like a large stone...not a ROCK!  I was expecting to see something WAAAAAAYYYYYY larger than what you see here.  And then on top of that they had to put a gate/building around this thing to prevent people from chipping away at it to take pieces.  

And the last thing we saw was the Mayflower....

Now I thought that this boat was alot bigger.  But I guess way back then....this was big enough.  

So it was a great outing with great people all in all it was a great day and I actually learned something!

Oh yeah...I forgot about the funniest thing......

The MOOflower!!!!  Ha ha ha!

Well until next time....

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