Soothing Drops

Soothing Drops

Thursday, June 14, 2012


This is a very serious blog.  A friend of mine has created a Facebook page in hopes it goes viral.  She has been fighting cervical cancer since last year and is a HUGE fan of Lady Gaga and hopes to meet her one day.  Here is a little bit about her:

My hope is that this page goes viral and somehow Lady Gaga will see it. She has been my inspiration as I fight cancer. She makes me brave and helps me to find the strength I need to keep going. I would love to be able to meet her one day and tell her in person how much she has helped me but it would make me so happy if she would see this page. I currently live in New Jersey and all of my treatment is being done at New York Presbyterian Hospital which is uptown Manhattan. My medical information can be verified, I am in no way some sicko that would make up a story like this. Below is a little more about my ongoing fight. Also, I can be found on my personal Facebook page, my name is Dee Rusnak

I am a 39 year old female that has been fighting cervical cancer since October 2011. I had major surgery, radiation and chemo treatments. February 17 2012 was my last treatment only to find out in June that my cancer has returned. When cervical cancer returns, the outlook is normally not good. I am now undergoing more torture with chemo treatments. I'll never give up but I have to face reality that these new drugs may not work. I pray they will, I'm determined to be around to see the Born This Way Ball when it comes to my area. And if I do die, I will die with my paws up. I'm a Little Monster forever!!! I love you Gaga and I truly believe you are watching over me xoxoxo

To all of my readers....even if you don't like Lady Gaga, please like her Facebook page at for support.  If you have a twitter account, tweet this link.  If you have a Facebook account, share with your friends, we are trying to get her word out there.  

Her friends and family hopes that the new chemo treatments work but she is so brave to know that if they don't she doesn't know how much time she has left.  And whatever time she has left she is going to fight this cancer with her paws up!  Again...I ask you to share this link, the more this gets out there...the more of a chance that Lady Gaga will see this!

I ask you to do three things:

1.  Like her Facebook page 

2.  Share the Facebook link with your friends

3.  Tweet this link to my blog to all of your friends.  Thank you in advance!


Well until next time....

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