Soothing Drops

Soothing Drops

Tuesday, June 5, 2012


Now before I even start this blog is NOT poking fun at homeless people at all.  But every day throughout my commute I pass by the same homeless people.  Sometimes it's sad, and sometimes it is hilarious.  So let me tell you about who I see and I have given them nicknames:

"Sober Living" Stanley

Stanley's spot is in front of the CVS with his sign that states he is living sober now and needs help.  I hope what his sign says is true.  

"Swipe your debit card" Steve

I came across Dennis when I first started Weight Watchers and I was waiting for my friend outside the McDonald's.  Yes I didn't want to go in and was avoiding temptation.  Until Dennis walks up to me and asks me for money to get a sandwich and I told him I didn't have and cash on me and he replies "Well why don't you use your debit card?".  Wow really and seriously?  I just walked into the McDonald's looking for my friend at that point.

"Newspaper slinging" Nick

Every day on my way home this guy is selling a newspaper by the name of Spare Change Newspaper.  Apparently this is a local newspaper in the Boston area that was founded by several homeless people and one individual who provided the money for it.  It is stories about homeless people in the community and what they are doing to help themselves out of their situation.  Now they have multiple sponsors and are celebrating their 20th anniversary.  Amazing.  The thing about Nick is every time you walk by him he has a different slogan such as "Spare Change Newspaper! Help the homeless help themselves!"  That's his most famous one.  Sometimes he sings...sometimes he quacks (yes that is what I said) and he continues to think of new things to do or say.  And the only days I don't see him is when it is raining

"Bilingual" Benny

This is a very unique individual He holds up not one, not two but three signs and he changes them depending on the people he sees pulling up in the car.  One sign is in English, Spanish and Chinese.  I guess he is trying to cover all of his bases and being that he stands in an area that is not far from Chinatown I think that's pretty smart.

"Grunting" Gerald

I walk by this guy twice a day he stands in the same spot near South Station which is where I catch my train.  I never really thought he could talk until I saw him speaking with someone.  The one time I did drop money in his cup he just leaned over and grunted at me.  I didn't think he could speak.  He is one of the ones who is there every day even in the rain.

"I got all the men" Irene

This woman I have seen at Quincy Center many times and on the bus one day.  I overheard her conversation she was having with someone else where she was bragging about how many men takes care of her.  I don't really want to know what she does with these men but then often wonder why she is homeless.  

Last but not least...

"I need Lobster" Lenny

I personally didn't come across this man but a friend of a friend did.  She happened to come across this man on Valentine's day and he told her "I would really like to have lobster for Valentine's day can you help me out?"  Then another guy piped in and said " shouldn't be asking for that you need to ask for a grilled cheese sandwich!"  Now that is just hilarious!!!  Wouldn't we all want lobster for Valentine's Day?  Ha ha ha!!!!

Before I end this blog, we must all remember we should not judge how a homeless person got into their situation.  Yes there are a lot of people who are con artists, drug addicts or just plain old lazy people.  But there are many homeless people who at one point in their lives were very successful and probably had more money than you or I.  And because of some continued bad times with no one to help them they end up in this horrible situation.  If you have ever volunteered in a soup kitchen you will come across some very educated people, war heroes and talented musicians.  And people would know this if you just took time to take 5 minutes to speak to them.  And you will learn how becoming homeless have humbled them so much and they don't blame anybody for their situation and are very thankful for the little bit of help they do get.  But hope they can recover one day and have a home to call their own. 

Well until next time....

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