Soothing Drops

Soothing Drops

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


So one of the main reasons of me moving to Boston was to be closer to my family.  Those of you who know me, know my family has been through a rough time the last year with the passing of my brother Lee Ernest Mouzone on March 6, 2010.  When that happened and I couldn't get to see him before he passed, that is when I really started to think that I need to be closer just in case of an emergency.  Well, I decided it was time to make a trip home for my mother and Zoey and I did so this past weekend.

When I packed up the car, and told Zoey to get into it, she was so excited and just loved to look out the window. It was an easy ride back home, less than 5 hours!  Drove through Connecticut, blew through New York and back home to Jersey!

Well the first day there Zoey thought it was a good idea to take off and roam about the neighborhood.  Not listening as I was calling her name to come back, as a matter of fact she ran faster!  Let's just say I was not a happy camper and she was put on lock down for the remainder of the day.  She did not like that, but oh well, you do the crime, you do the time.  Then she must have ate something that didn't agree with her because her stomach wasn't right, but I think she is back to normal now.

In a nutshell we had a great time.  I was able to get some things done that my mother needed help with, Zoey got spoiled, I got a little spoiled and it was a nice break from daily life.  We had family game night which we haven't done that in a long time, had a blast!  I beat them not once, but twice!!!  My brother keeps saying that my dancing was not necessary but I think it was because you know what....I was the WINNER and they were the LOSERS!!!!  HA HA HA!!!

Well until next time....

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