Soothing Drops

Soothing Drops

Saturday, June 11, 2011


So alot of people have bucket lists of things they want to do before they die.  I have always thought about creating one, I mean I guess I have a mental bucket list of what I want to do in life.  But I've decided to create a Top 10 Boston bucket list and try to accomplish these things while I'm here in Boston.  Here we go:

1.  SoWa Open Market -

Who doesn't like going to a open flea market with various vendors?  I know I do, different things to see, buy, eat.  And we all know that I enjoy to eat.  Good thing about this it is every Sunday from May 1st - October 1st.  So I have plenty of time to visit this once or maybe more than once.  

2.  Freedom Trail -

A trail that is 2.5 miles of history.  Now those of you who know me know I'm not a history buff, but this looks pretty neat and is definitely a must see for me.

3.  USS Constitution -

It's a boat, what can I say?  I'm in to visit this!

4.  Arnold Arboretum -

Located in Jamaica Plain, MA and it's free for entry and tours.  Did I say this was free?

5.  New England Aquarium -

First, it's an aquarium, who doesn't love an aquarium.  Second, they just opened the Shark and Stingray touch tank this year...nuff said, I'm there!

6.  Boston Duck Tours -

It's a car, it's a boat and I hear you can get a whistle that sounds like a duck.  I wonder if that's only for kids?  Guess I'll have to try it out to see! 

7.  Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum -

If I remember correctly, this woman was a gajillionaire!  When she passed, she wanted her collection to remain the same and nothing to be changed. And it hasn't and her memory lives on.  Now that's what I'm talking about!

8.  Whale Watching -

Whale Watching....there is no need for any explanation to want to do this.  And the Codzilla boat looks interesting!

9.  Boston Public Library -

Why would I want to visit a library?  Go to Google and type in Boston Public Library images and you will know why I want to visit.  Pretty impressive!

10.  Spirit of Boston Cruises -

Okay another boat....can you tell I like being on a boat?  And what's best about this is it is a 3 hour cruise around Boston Harbor and includes my three favorite things, dinner, dancing, and drinks!  As well as taking in some sights while on the boat, who wouldn't want to do this either?

Well there you have it my Top 10 Boston Bucket List.  Of course there are plenty of other things I want to do but these make the top of the list.  Keep up with my blog as I encounter this journey to complete this year it should be pretty interesting!

Well until next time....

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