Soothing Drops

Soothing Drops

Monday, June 6, 2011


What an interesting day on the train today.  Here I am listening to my music and the next thing I know there was an announcement that the train is stopping at the next stop and everybody had to get off.  I was like what???  I didn't know where I was, the next thing I know they say that an individual was hit by a train and they were going to put everyone on shuttle buses to Quincy Center which was my destination.  

Now I don't know what type of disaster recovery plan the MBTA has in place, but I don't think that it includes on how to handle irate, crazy, and confused people. You would think that providing shuttle buses to transport people would be a no brainer well obviously not.  People were shoving, pushing, yelling at the bus drivers, complaining, etc.  I'm standing there like helllllloooo......a person just got hit by a train aren't you even thinking about that person.  The trains are not running and you have to wait just like everyone else.  I want to get home just as bad as you do.  I couldn't believe how people were acting, so selfish. But finally after about 30 minutes I get on a shuttle bus and then I go to my normal train station to catch another bus home.  

Everything runs smoothly from there on out and I got home safe and sound.

The one thing that worries me is when there is a REAL disaster and people are not going to know how to act or what to do.

My idea is...wait in line, do not push, shove, or try to run people over, make a single file, and wait your turn, things will run much smoother and faster.  Wow imagine that...being civilized makes things work better.  

If only I was in charge, things would be better

Well, until next time.....

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