Soothing Drops

Soothing Drops

Sunday, September 22, 2013


Okay....anyone who knows me knows that I am on my phone pretty much 90% of the time.  I do prefer to text instead of talking on the phone.  (Yes...I'm one of THOSE people!) But of course the younger generation has their own way of communicating these days with abbreviations.  

I see some of them on Facebook or with my younger friends and nieces when we text message.  First I think to myself what does that mean...then I have to "Google it" so I know what the heck they are talking about.  Then I reply back like they think I knew what they were saying in the first place.  HA HA HA HA!!!!

But here is a list of ones that I didn't know about but found funny:

Coo = Cool ( When I think of that word I think of a bird "cooing")
Gerd = Oh my God (What happened to OMG?)
HMU = Hit me up (Makes sense to me)
WBU = What about you
KK = OK (What too lazy to type an O?)
KMSL = Killing myself laughing
LOLZ = Laughing out loud (Another version)
TBH = To be honest (I just was wondering what this meant today)
W/E = Whatever
BISLY = But I still love you
O RLY = Oh really
MEGO = My eyes glaze over (There were times I could have used this one!)
MTFBWY = May the force be with you (People actually use this?????)
TTT = To the top 
YMMV = Your mileage may vary ( this what childhood predators use in chat rooms?)

So there you have it....hopefully this helps you having more knowledge about abbreviated texts and if you are embarrassed to ask.  And if there is anything else that you are questioning here is a link it will help you alot.

Well until next time....

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