Soothing Drops

Soothing Drops

Tuesday, July 23, 2013


I was born and raised in New Jersey and our local news station had a segment called Shame On You. And it basically was focusing on people doing some odd things, shameful things. Alot of the times it focused on politicians, police officers, people in the legal system and people who had the power to take advantage of people.

When I read The Metro (a local newspaper in Boston), I see stories like this all the time. But this one takes the cake. I mean now people are taking advantage of the One Fund and putting in false claims. So far there was one man who put in a claim for his mother who has been dead for 10 years. Now this woman???  Thankfully they both have been caught!

I'm glad they are really looking into who they give money to because I would never think that people would take advantage of something like this. But once again people surprise me. It all boils down to greed....I cannot stand greedy people and people who are taking advantage of a bad situation. And then trying to steal from the One Fund who has been amazing with helping many bombing victims.

I'm sure I'm going to see more stories like these and I think I'm gonna start blogging about them but Shame On You AUDREA GAUSE!!!!

Well until next time....