Soothing Drops

Soothing Drops

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

POO-POURRI - SPRITZ THE BOWL BEFORE YOU GO AND NO ONE ELSE WILL EVER KNOW!!! I found out about this product that I saw in an advertisement in a magazine.  I thought to myself this really can't be true, it has to be a joke.  Well my is not a joke.  And I found the website where you can purchase this lovely product.  Their website is which I know that you all are VERY excited to view their products. Apparently you can "deodorize" your toilet bowl water before you proceed with evacuating your bowels.  (I could say other things but I'm trying to keep it nice here.)  And they have a lovely catchy motto:

I actually ventured to their shop now link and saw they have a line of products with catchy names like, Sh*ttn' Pretty, Party Pooper, Poo-Tonium, Dr. Potts, etc.  They are different scents and come in various sizes as small as able to fit into your purse or big enough to sit on the back of your toilet. The prices range from $6.95 - 29.95 and they also have shoe deodorizer and breath spray.  The breath spray is called Potty Mouth...I LOVE IT!!!!!  As humorous as this is a a little too pricey for my wallet, so I think I will stick with good ol Glade for less than $2.00 for a can.

My question is how do people come up with something like this and make money?  And my next question is...who buys this stuff?????  Last question is....does it REALLY work????? I mean it makes a great gag gift I will say.

Soooooo....have fun with this great find of the day!

Well until next time....

Tuesday, July 23, 2013


Well my day started out pretty exciting. I listen to the Karson & Kennedy morning show on a radio station here in Boston called Mix 104.1.  By the way, they are awesome morning radio show so listen to them sometime if you can. Kennedy was talking about a wedding she attended where the couple met at an odd place. So they had people call in to talk about their odd experiences on how they met their spouses.

So I was thinking I could call and tell my story on how I met my husband and I got through!!! So I explained that both my husband and I were from Dallas Texas and lived fairly close at one point but never crossed paths.

One day on the train after I moved here (and I was homesick), I hear this guy talking about how much he misses Dallas even though Boston is nice and all. So I was sitting a few seats down and I said "Excuse me, I don't mean to interrupt your conversation,  but I understand what you mean I just moved here a few months ago and I really miss Dallas". So we started talking about where we lived in Dallas and other small talk. He got off at his stop and I didn't think I would see him again.

Well just a few weeks later I saw him walking through the train station and I couldn't remember his name exactly.  But I called out the one I thought it was. And it was right as he turned around when I called him. He didn't even remember me at first so I had to jog his memory a little bit and we started talking and got on the train. As we were approaching his stop, he asked me for my phone number and asked if I would like to go out for coffee sometime. So I said sure. He ended up calling me that evening to ask me out for dinner the next night.  I wasn't expecting anything to come of it, I just figured I was new in Boston, he seemed like a nice guy and I didn't know many people yet so why not.

So you never know where you are going to meet the one for you. If someone would have told me ten years ago that I was going to meet my future husband on the subway, I would have thought they were crazy. But I did on the MBTA Red Line but my husband jokes and calls it the LOVE line! Gotta love him!

So it is always neat to tell the story of how we met to people but it was even more neat to tell thousands maybe even millions of people on the radio our story!  It was fun to be on the radio maybe that's a job for me to be on a radio talk show? Oh wow me get paid to talk for a living???? That would be genius. Let me start working on promotional photos like below! This mind is turning LOL!

Well until next time....


I was born and raised in New Jersey and our local news station had a segment called Shame On You. And it basically was focusing on people doing some odd things, shameful things. Alot of the times it focused on politicians, police officers, people in the legal system and people who had the power to take advantage of people.

When I read The Metro (a local newspaper in Boston), I see stories like this all the time. But this one takes the cake. I mean now people are taking advantage of the One Fund and putting in false claims. So far there was one man who put in a claim for his mother who has been dead for 10 years. Now this woman???  Thankfully they both have been caught!

I'm glad they are really looking into who they give money to because I would never think that people would take advantage of something like this. But once again people surprise me. It all boils down to greed....I cannot stand greedy people and people who are taking advantage of a bad situation. And then trying to steal from the One Fund who has been amazing with helping many bombing victims.

I'm sure I'm going to see more stories like these and I think I'm gonna start blogging about them but Shame On You AUDREA GAUSE!!!!

Well until next time....

Sunday, July 21, 2013


Well it has been awhile since I have blogged anything.  Things have been hectic and getting used to married life.  So every time I make these dog biscuits and I post pictures of it on Google+ or Facebook I always have people ask me about the recipe.  So I figured I would blog about it.

A friend of mine gave me this Doggy Bone Cookbook by Michele Bledsoe and let me tell you it has saved me some bucks:

The recipes are simple exact and if you have kids this is a fun activity for you to do with them.  Not only does this book have very simple recipes it includes a small cookie cutter in the shape of a bone:

Now this of course is a SMALL dog cookie cutter so if you use a larger one the recipe will make less than what I can get out of this recipe.  Zoey is about 15 pounds so if your dog is the same size you can get an idea of how many you will have.


3 cups white flour
3/4 cup yellow cornmeal
1 cup chicken broth (I used a packet of Goya Chicken Seasoning and made my own broth.  1 packet dissolved in 2 cups hot water and you got chicken broth!)
4 tablespoons softened margarine (I used salted butter)
1 egg
1 tablespoon milk

Preheat oven to 325 degrees.  Combine flour, cornmeal, chicken broth and margarine (butter).  Knead dough for 3 minutes.  You may think you need to add more liquid but you don't and your dough should look like this:

Apply a light layer of flour to rolling surface and rolling pin.  Roll dough to 1/4" thickness 

Stamp out with cookie cutter.  Beat egg and milk together and apply to top of biscuits with brush

Bake at 325 degrees for 35 minutes on an ungreased cookie sheet.  I baked mine for about 40 minutes...don't wait for them to become brown because you are using white flour.  They will be hard like a dog biscuits you buy in the store.  The recipe says it makes 4 dozen but if you are smart about it you can get more.  I got 5 dozen with this recipe.

And you know what?????  It's Zoey approved!

So far I have tried the Bark-B-Q, Paw Lick'n Chick'n and Yappy Birthday.  Which Zoey have liked all of them.  The next one I want to try is the Garlick & Cheese but don't worry folks it does not have garlic in it as we know that garlic is not good for dogs. 

I hope this helps people who are looking for a healthier alternative for their dogs and it is really simple, AND it is a cost saver compared to the price of dog treats these days.  Just take 2 hours out of your day and you will have enough to last for at least a month.

Well until next time....