Soothing Drops

Soothing Drops

Saturday, May 19, 2012


Rental car $69.94, snacks for the road $5.00, sitting in traffic for 2 1/2 hours $0.00, getting lost for 1 hour $0.00, the look on my mother's face when her belated mother's day gift arrived ~ PRICELESS!!!!

It was a long day and took me almost 8 hours to get here...yeah don't even get me started on that.  But I got here and my plan to take a picture of my mother's face when she opened the door did not happen because of my brother.  Of all the times he does NOT answer the door....he picks last night to open the door.  And as he is walking to the door I can hear him saying "Hmmmmm, I wonder who could be coming here at this hour???" LOL!

My mother was so surprised and very happy!!!!  Then she tells me "Well you are lucky you didn't have a surprise and I wasn't here.  I do have a life you know."  LOL  My mother cracks me up.  I told her I asked my brother to check her calendar first.  I'm smarter than that ha ha! Then I told her we were taking her out to eat and she could choose lunch or dinner but she couldn't pick the place.  She looked at me and said "What kind of sham is this????  I can't pick the place I want to eat?"  I told her nope and that she would not be disappointed.  She has been wanting to try the Outback Steakhouse.   She just needs to be happy that I'm here and blessing her with my presence!

The highlight of the road trip was when Zoey stepped on the button to roll the window down (by accident of course) and the bag that I was eating my bread out of got sucked out of the window and it still had bread on it.  I scream out "HEY!! MY BREAD!!!!! Then I look at Zoey and look on Zoey's face was HILARIOUS!!!  It was like she was thinking "WHOOOOPS!!!!"  Gotta love that dog!

Well until next time....

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