Soothing Drops

Soothing Drops

Saturday, May 19, 2012


Rental car $69.94, snacks for the road $5.00, sitting in traffic for 2 1/2 hours $0.00, getting lost for 1 hour $0.00, the look on my mother's face when her belated mother's day gift arrived ~ PRICELESS!!!!

It was a long day and took me almost 8 hours to get here...yeah don't even get me started on that.  But I got here and my plan to take a picture of my mother's face when she opened the door did not happen because of my brother.  Of all the times he does NOT answer the door....he picks last night to open the door.  And as he is walking to the door I can hear him saying "Hmmmmm, I wonder who could be coming here at this hour???" LOL!

My mother was so surprised and very happy!!!!  Then she tells me "Well you are lucky you didn't have a surprise and I wasn't here.  I do have a life you know."  LOL  My mother cracks me up.  I told her I asked my brother to check her calendar first.  I'm smarter than that ha ha! Then I told her we were taking her out to eat and she could choose lunch or dinner but she couldn't pick the place.  She looked at me and said "What kind of sham is this????  I can't pick the place I want to eat?"  I told her nope and that she would not be disappointed.  She has been wanting to try the Outback Steakhouse.   She just needs to be happy that I'm here and blessing her with my presence!

The highlight of the road trip was when Zoey stepped on the button to roll the window down (by accident of course) and the bag that I was eating my bread out of got sucked out of the window and it still had bread on it.  I scream out "HEY!! MY BREAD!!!!! Then I look at Zoey and look on Zoey's face was HILARIOUS!!!  It was like she was thinking "WHOOOOPS!!!!"  Gotta love that dog!

Well until next time....

Friday, May 11, 2012


Soooooo I want to know where has my little angel gone? Do you see how tiny Zoey was in this picture. When I brought her home she was 8 weeks old, scared to be away from her mother and siblings for the first time, yet she got attached to me right away. Like she was okay with being with me. Zoey was a mere 4 pounds when I brought her precious and innocent. was a different story! So lately I have been giving Zoey a little freedom and no walking her on a leash when we are in the yard. Now my yard is not fenced in where I live so I was a little skeptical about it. So the last few days I have been leaving her off the leash and she would always listen and come when I called her name. Why is it she was standing on the corner near the front yard and she was on the sidewalk and she looked at me...and I had a feeling she wanted to run down the street. She looked at me and looked down the street, I knew what would happen next. So I yelled "You stay RIGHT there!" The minute I said that.....her little bad behind took off down the street!

So I start running after her calling her name. Then I yelled "Do you want a Treat???" That usually gets her attention....well not THIS time! Now she runs up the neighbor's driveway and into their yard. I finally catch up to her and tell her to stay right where she is. Why is it she jumps down off of the stone wall (my neighbor had a raised yard) and takes off again? So I jump off of the wall and start running down the street after her.

I end up catching her when she was sniffing the grass down by the vet clinic. And she knew she was in trouble so since she had already done her business. I was so mad I just scooped her up and carried her home. She didn't like it not one bit! When we get back my neighbor was out in the driveway we share and she was cracking up. She said I was watching you run down the street what were you doing? So I tell her the story and we were cracking up.

So Zoey got me moving BEFORE 6:30 AM!!!! 

I love that dog so much.....but I want my little angel back! The one who was scared to be more than 5 feet away from me!

Well until next time....

Saturday, May 5, 2012

MY SECOND WEIGHT WATCHER MILESTONE.....MY 16 WEEK CHARM!!! 16 week charm!!!! I can't believe it...I've stuck with the program this long. What's so funny is I recently was cleaning out my closets last weekend and I found my 3 month journals from the last two times I was on WW. And do you want to know how many journals I had? Two....only two and they were not completed. Which means I could not even stick with the program more than two months. 

Being that I am already on my second 3 month journal...I have really accomplished something. I always have the mindset that is I gain or don't lose anything then I give up and figure what is the point? But this time I am thinking differently and I'm thinking wisely. I'm really proud of myself because I know that I'm in it for the long haul and I'm going to do this. There will be good times and there will be bad times and I just have to work through it.

Almost wanted to kick one guy at my meeting when he said "Yeah...I average about 3 pound loss every week." All of us women looked at him and one said I average about 3 pounds a month then I was so I'm not the only one. So I feel much better about my weight loss because it has been up and down. So officially in total since December 25th 2011, I am down 24 pounds. 12 pounds before WW and 12 pounds on WW (slight gain this week ooooops!) even though my weight loss has not been where I want it to be...I'm headed in the right direction. YAY me!

Now I need to find a charm bracelet! YES!