Soothing Drops

Soothing Drops

Sunday, August 21, 2011


Well on August 15, 2011, I tried something I never did before.  I attended a book reading and signing for an old high school friend Ben Loory.  This was located at the brookline booksmith in Brookline Massachusetts.  

A very nice little area there with lots of things to do.  Definitely a place that I would like to go back and visit.  But I definitely would attend another event like that to meet new authors that are up and coming.  It's very neat to know that I went to high school with an author.  If you would like to know more about him, check out his website I'm sure you will like it and pick up his book Stories for Nighttime and Some for the Day

It's a book that is full of short stories and it is actually quite a good read.  I'm not much of a reader, but when I pick it up to read while riding the train, I dont' want to stop reading and have almost missed my stop a few times.  But I'm not just saying pick up this book because it is by someone I know...but it really is a good read if you like short stories.

After I left the book store, I went to leave and ended up walking to another Mexican place that was called Anna's Taqueria.  My manager has talked about this at work as well as this was mentioned by a friend as well.  So you all know by now how much I love chips and salsa....SO that is what I go to get.  

So it's not a big place and definitely reminded me of a Chipotle restaurant which I absolutely LOVE!!!!  So what the heck, I end up getting the grilled veggie burrito as well.  Let me just tell you....Chipotle has some major competition.  This was probably the best burrito I have had...and the chips and salsa rocked too!  This is another place that I would definitely return to again and I will!

I thought that Dallas was the food here has changed my views of that.  And if you love food like I careful when you come here.

So in ending, even though that day was a very rainy day...torrential rain at times it was a very eventful day.  And I was able to see more of the area it was a good day.  

Well until next time....


So many of you know that I relocated to this town in Massachusetts called Quincy (pronounced: Quin-zee).  It's a nice little area, close to Boston yet there is alot of things to do right here.  There are so many places to eat in Quincy Center..doesn't matter what you like to eat, but you can definitely find it here.  So I decided I'm going to talk about the places that I have been to eat.  

About two weeks ago I was able to experience a neat little place called The Fat Cat.

Cute little bar in the Quincy Center area but set back off on a small street.  You walk in and it is kind of dim and small in there, nothing fancy about this place.  But it was my kind of place...and the menu was great!  If you want some good quality food with a nice bartender this is the place to go.  Oh and their prices were not so bad either.  I was able to enjoy the taste of The Blue Russian.....let's just say there were several different types of alcohol in it but it tasted like a grape soda.  So why they call it The Blue Russian, I'll never know but it was really good.  Then being that I was going to the movies that night, I decided that I should eat light and just get an appetizer of Lobster and Crab Nachos since you know that I LOVE and have to have popcorn at the movies.  But order came out and it was HUGE!  And you should have seen Brian's order of chicken mac n' cheese!  Let's just say at this place you really get what you pay for!  The food, bartender that we had and the ambiance in the place was just great!

Then the next week I ate at a Mexican place called Acapulcos.

Small little Mexican place and being able to live in Texas for as long as I did I was able to have some great Mexican food.  But this place was pretty good I'll have to say.  Of course I loaded up on the chips and salsa and the first time I went I had the tortilla soup, second time I had cheese enchiladas.  Which was even more AWESOME when I reheated it!

So far, I have been to a cute bar that I hope to frequent for the great nachos, but would like to try other things of course.  And a Mexican place that has good food that I can go to when I'm feeling a little homesick and eat my chips and salsa!

Well until next time....

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


So being here in Boston, you see the weirdest faces and I know for a fact that I have made some of these faces as well.  So enjoy the view that I see on a daily basis.....and here we go:

This is me, and how I look when I'm on my way to work

In Boston, there are three levels of anger....Irritated, Angry, IRATE!!!  I saw alot of irate faces when a poor man committed suicide and they were angry the trains had to be re-routed and they took it out on the MBTA workers.

This is what the crying kids on the bus look like....

Then we have the various levels of disgust...Like the I missed the bus again look

Now I know you aren't wearing that look...

 Now I know you aren't wearing flip flops with those crusty feet....

You are standing in my personal space look....

Hellloooooo.....I am standing here!!!

Why do you keep bumping into me look....


Then we have the different levels of friendliness....

The overexcited nice to meet you out for these people, they can be crazy....

See you tomorrow....

The normal nice to meet you have a great day look....

Then you have the rare, oh I'm sorry look when someone bumps into you and the oh you go right down there helpful with directions look

Then you have the I smell something yummy look when you are in down town Boston from all the wonderful restaurants down there....or for me it's my "I'm getting a lobster roll look!"

Then you have the "Wait for me look" as the train departs......

And the look on the faces of people on the train as it departs...

And last but not least.....the I can't wait until I get home look

So there you have it....the daily faces of Boston....this is what I see and probably what I do on a daily basis....Boston is so entertaining!

Remember....the look on your face speaks watch it because sometimes you don't even need to open your mouth for someone to guess what you are actually feeling.

Well until next time.....