Soothing Drops

Soothing Drops

Sunday, October 12, 2014


Today is the day that....I decided to start hula hooping for exercise.  I've been thinking about it for awhile since I have seen it becoming more and more popular.  I've seen it on Ellen and Oprah but more and more people are getting into "hoop dancing" check out Rachel Lust on YouTube that girl is AMAZING!!!!  Now I'm not looking to do all of that, I just know that I'm at a point where I need to start doing some sort of exercise that I don't feel is boring or something where I will hurt myself.  

So a few weeks ago Brian's Aunt Geri who is a hoop instructor was having a Grand Re-Opening of her business aRoundJoy The HoopShack extended an invite for me to come.  So I went yesterday and had a great time!  Let me tell you the last time I hooped for real I was about 10 years old and I'm thinking this can't be too hard.  Man it is more work than you think. And I was a little scared about going because number one of my size, and number two didn't want to be embarrassed of how I would look hooping.  Everybody there made me feel so comfortable and actually gave me tips and cheered me on while I hooped for the short 5 or 6 seconds at a time that I could.   I was glad that I went.  Not only did I meet some pretty awesome people but every one of the people that were hoopers told me they don't know what their life would be like without their hoop.  I guess it is just like someone who loves to run and can't imagine going one day without jogging.  Now that is dedication to doing something you love!

Then after the event was over, Aunt Geri gave me some one on one tips to help me get started, gave me a wealth of information about posture and how to keep the hoop up.  So I think that this is going to be something I will be able to keep up for a while.  Last night my body was a little sore and today it was REALLY sore but I did some stretching and hooped for as long as I could which was about 15 minutes and I danced for about 10 minutes.  But that's good for someone who pretty much does no exercise.  And boy did I break a sweat big time!

So if you are interested and want to know what it is all about check out her web page at and if you have questions give her a call I know she will be happy to answer any question you may have.  

I haven't been blogging often lately but will type up a quick blog just to let you know how hooping is going for me.  By the way the picture up top are my hoops!  Aren't they bee-yoo-tee-ful????  Ha ha ha!

Well until next time....

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