Soothing Drops

Soothing Drops

Sunday, October 12, 2014


Today is the day that....I decided to start hula hooping for exercise.  I've been thinking about it for awhile since I have seen it becoming more and more popular.  I've seen it on Ellen and Oprah but more and more people are getting into "hoop dancing" check out Rachel Lust on YouTube that girl is AMAZING!!!!  Now I'm not looking to do all of that, I just know that I'm at a point where I need to start doing some sort of exercise that I don't feel is boring or something where I will hurt myself.  

So a few weeks ago Brian's Aunt Geri who is a hoop instructor was having a Grand Re-Opening of her business aRoundJoy The HoopShack extended an invite for me to come.  So I went yesterday and had a great time!  Let me tell you the last time I hooped for real I was about 10 years old and I'm thinking this can't be too hard.  Man it is more work than you think. And I was a little scared about going because number one of my size, and number two didn't want to be embarrassed of how I would look hooping.  Everybody there made me feel so comfortable and actually gave me tips and cheered me on while I hooped for the short 5 or 6 seconds at a time that I could.   I was glad that I went.  Not only did I meet some pretty awesome people but every one of the people that were hoopers told me they don't know what their life would be like without their hoop.  I guess it is just like someone who loves to run and can't imagine going one day without jogging.  Now that is dedication to doing something you love!

Then after the event was over, Aunt Geri gave me some one on one tips to help me get started, gave me a wealth of information about posture and how to keep the hoop up.  So I think that this is going to be something I will be able to keep up for a while.  Last night my body was a little sore and today it was REALLY sore but I did some stretching and hooped for as long as I could which was about 15 minutes and I danced for about 10 minutes.  But that's good for someone who pretty much does no exercise.  And boy did I break a sweat big time!

So if you are interested and want to know what it is all about check out her web page at and if you have questions give her a call I know she will be happy to answer any question you may have.  

I haven't been blogging often lately but will type up a quick blog just to let you know how hooping is going for me.  By the way the picture up top are my hoops!  Aren't they bee-yoo-tee-ful????  Ha ha ha!

Well until next time....

Monday, September 1, 2014


THIS is the day that.....I've been reflecting on the word motivation.  

This is something that I have lost over the last few months I think....when you look up the word motivation on Wikipedia (I love Wiki) it says:

Motivation is the driving force that causes the change from desire to trying to achieve in life. For example, hunger is a motivation that induces a desire to eat.
Motivation has been shown to have roots in physiological, behavioral, cognitive, and social areas. Motivation may be rooted in a basic impulse to optimize well-being, minimize physical pain and maximize pleasure. It can also originate from specific physical needs such as eating, sleeping or resting, and sex.
Motivation is an inner drive to behave or act in a certain manner. These inner conditions such as wishes, desires and goals, activate to move in a particular direction in behavior.

Then I think to myself so does lack of motivation mean a person stops trying to achieve things in life?  What if certain life circumstances prevent a person from achieving goals does that mean they lack motivation?  I have a very hard time believing that yet it is easier said than done.  
I have so many ideas running in my head at all times (don't try to get in my head because you don't even want to be there) so many things I want to do, see, buy and achieve.  Yet when I really get down to wanting to start a project or a goal.....I never seem to start it and then get mad at myself because I never finished it.  
So the whole point of this post is how do you get motivated?  Or do you already have it?  I have heard it is within everyone so how do you ignite it or get it going or whatever you want to call it?  So many people have goals in life, some want to lose weight, exercise, eat healthier, get a new job, buy a new car,  go back to school for a new career and never do it and then complain that they weren't able to do it because of lack of motivation or determination.  Now determination is a whole different chapter in the book.
So if it is an inner drive allowing motivation to happen, then what starts the inner drive?  So many questions and hard to answer.  That is something to think about.

Well until next time....

Sunday, March 30, 2014


THIS Is The Day That..... I write about when I did a spa day for myself. Now before I start this was a unique experience for me. Not anything I thought I would be comfortable with but was. This little piece of heaven is located in Carrollton TX and I cannot wait until I get the chance to go back.

The first thing you do is check in and it costs $35.00 for 24 hours. You are given a wristband with a number. You walk into the first locker area and place your shoes in your assigned locker then proceed to the next counter where you are given a uniform that you wear in the establishment.

This spa is pretty much like a Korean bath house and if you don't know what that is see what I found on Wikipedia below:

A Jjimjilbang (Hangul: 찜질방; hanja: -房) is a large, gender-segregated public bathhouse in Korea, furnished with hot tubs, showers, Korean traditional kiln saunas and massage tables. Jjimjil is derived from the words meaning heated bath. However, in other areas of the building or on other floors there are unisex areas, usually with a snack bar, ondol-heated floor for lounging and sleeping, wide-screen TVs, exercise rooms, ice rooms, heated salt rooms, PC bang, noraebang, and sleeping quarters with either bunk beds or sleeping mats. Many of the sleeping rooms can have themes or elements to them. Usually Jjimjilbangs will have various rooms with different temperatures to suit guests' preferred relaxing temperatures. The walls are decorated with different woods, minerals, crystals, stones, and metals. This is to make the ambient mood and smell more natural. Often the elements used have traditional Korean medicinal purposes in the various rooms.

And that is exactly what it was like. On the first floor it was segregated by gender where you scrub your body down before you get into the mineral bath or sauna. Now if you are shy then being on the first floor is not for you but let me tell you NOBODY CARES ABOUT LOOKING AT YOU!! And if you can get that through your head then you will be able to enjoy those hot water tubs with jets. If that is not for you then I suggest you venture to other areas of the place. And to the idiots who were wearing bathing suits in the tubs and to the other idiots taking pictures in that area need to learn how to have respect for other people. Is it pretty down there?? Yes it is.....but did you even think that people who are not dressed may be captured in your photo that you are probably going to post on Facebook?? Oh and read the GIGANTIC signs telling you NO bathing suits in tubs and no cameras in the tub area. But the situation was taken care of.

The other area on the first floor is the pool area that has an aqua bar, pool, hot tub and a small lazy river section in the pool. Second floor they have various sauna rooms, ice room, sleeping areas, massage room, infra-red lounge area (aka french fry lights), nail/facial salon, sushi bar, juice bar, and a quiet sleeping room. Third floor has another Korean restaurant and an area where you can relax and watch movies as well as a fitness center. Top floor has a club/bar up there. I'm sure that I am forgetting something but the experience was great, the people were awesome and the sushi was great. Although next time I'm going to the Korean restaurant. My friend went there and had a smorgasbord for less than I paid for two rolls of sushi.

All in all my experience there was relaxing and awesome since I don't treat myself to anything like that normally. But I felt it was something that was okay this time. But I would definitely recommend this place even if you don't do everything there. Oh yeah they have rooms that you can pay for there and spend the night there. So if you have a significant other and want to do a spa weekend together this is the place to go!

Well until next time....

Saturday, March 8, 2014


This is the day that I blog about my experience getting my driver's license transferred to Texas.  Having lived in three states I've had to deal with the Department of Moter Vehicles (NJ), and the Registry of Motor Vehicles (MA) which they are never pleasant experiences.

So shortly after I get to Texas,  I'm going to purchase a car. YAY! But then I find out that the guy says he can't sell me a car if I don't have a Texas driver's license. BOO! I'm thinking that is the craziest thing I've heard but I did some research and it is true. But you know what.... If I paid cash for the car, I would need NO license or insurance. They pretty much wouldn't care so I was upset about that. Now I have to take the day off from work (which I just started) because I know if is going to be a long ordeal.

I get up early so I can be the first few in line but these Texas people are early risers and there are about 40 people waiting outside. So I stand outside in the freezing cold for 30 minutes and finally get inside to warmth! I tell the lady that is checking me in and she asks if I have all of my paperwork. I tell her yes I had my driver's license, birth certificate, copy of my lease, copy of my renters insurance policy, and my original as well as my new social security card. She looks at me and says "oh you're married?" I told her yes and then she says "we need a copy of your marriage certificate so we can see where your married name originated from." Really? I've never heard of such a thing. So I go BACK home to get my marriage certificate then go back to the DPS.

Now I stand in the freezing cold for another 45 MINUTES! And finally get inside...ah the warmth again, I get a seat and have to wait for 2 1/2 hours before I get called. I go up to the counter and hand her all of my documentation and say you guys need a lot of proof of my identity do you need blood too? She just laughed and starts going through everything, gets to my birth certificate, flips it back and forth and says "this is not a birth certificate we can't accept this."  I can feel the anger and irritation rise within me and tell her that is all I have and it was good enough for the state of Massachusetts as well as Texas the last time I was in Texas. Then this lady has the nerve to point out that they still have my current Texas drivers license in the system under my maiden name and it doesn't expire until 2016.  I'm thinking then why are we having this issue? And why can't I just show you my social security card and marriage certificate to get my old driver's license changed?

She now has to go to her supervisor to see if it is OKAY. While she was gone I'm standing there thinking if they tell me I can't have my license then I'm gonna snap and they are going to have to deal with a very angry black woman. But lucky for her everything was okay and she proceeds with processing my license and I get my temporary one. Yahoo!

So 5 HOURS later I head off to the car dealership to get a car. And after being at thr dealership for 2 1/2 hours, I did and now I'm happy.  The last thing I have to complete is wait for my stuff to get here which the movers say should be next week then I can start getting settled. Because of the crazy weather in the Northeast as well as across the county, things have been delayed.  So we are still sleeping on the floor with air mats and an air mattress. I will be so happy to sleep in my bed when it gets bed since February 18th and counting.   UGH.....

Well until next time....

Saturday, March 1, 2014


THIS is the day that I'm reflecting on everything that has happened the last couple of weeks. It is Saturday morning, the husband is asleep and Zoey is just sitting here grooming herself. I'm thinking to you hear that? And what is it I hear? NOTHING! Peace and quiet! Just having this moment to where I can just relax (even though we have no furniture yet and are camping in our apartment) and do nothing is the best feeling in the world.

I have been burning at both ends since the 14th of February with no breaks between. And it just feels good to sit here and have absolutely nothing to do.  And you know what for the moment I'm just going to enjoy it. This is what I have been needing for a long time and it is a great feeling!

I will have to say this relocation to Texas has been awful....there were so many challenges that I've had to deal with and I thought I was going to break. If I didn't have the most supportive family, my East Church family in Milton and friends I really would have. The encouragement, love and amazing amount of support has been so overwhelming and it has made me think I am SO LUCKY AND BLESSED to have each and every one of these people in my life.

And people who say Google+ and Facebook are a waste of time makes me know that it is not after this rotten moving experience.  The support, positive vibes, messages and words of encouragement have either come from people I have never met in person or people I don't really talk to very often.  It has been very overwhelming....but in a good way!

I have never taken anything for granted and this move has shown me that I shouldn't take the people for granted who have been there when times are really tough.  You truly do know who your true friends are when you really need help and who will step up to the plate when that time comes.

This blog is dedicated to ALL of the people in my life who has made an matter how small they think their contribution is.  You all have NO idea how much the presence in my life means to me and you all know who you are.  I love each and every one of you and I just want to say THANK YOU for being there for me and my husband and being part of our lives. And THANK YOU for helping make me see that everything is going to work out and be okay.

Well until next time....

Tuesday, February 25, 2014


THIS is the day that.....I start a new job. This is something that I never thought I would be doing.  Leaving a job after almost 20 years is never an easy thing to do. Starting a new job after being at another one for almost 20 years is even harder.

So I get to work early but I sit in the car  because I don't want to be a goody goody by going in too early. So I finally went in and was so nervous.  I was greeted by hugs and smiles and that was very welcoming and made me feel at ease. And I'm thinking that this will be a good experience.

I had a great day! Everybody was very nice, the office is nice and I got a coupon for a free breakfast taco at the deli. Maybe I will use it one day this week.

Oh and a bonus they took me out to lunch and where did we go? To El Fenix which is my favorite place to go! I love their chips!

I was so grateful for the day although I think I may have fell asleep briefly during training. Ha ha ha!

This is going to be a good experience and everyone is so laid back in the office. So that is awesome!

Well until next time....


THIS is the day that....we got up early to complete the last stretch of driving. We have about 16 hours to go and we need to be in Texas TODAY!

We get on the road early and when we got to Arkansas I was thinking we are in the home stretch not much further. But it was still a long way off! Listening to the GPS mile after mile and it seems like it is never ending and that we are not going to get there in time.  This makes me nervous because the main thing that is on my mind is I have to be at work.

So we cross the border into Texas and I'm like YAY! Then I see a sign for Texarkana and we have 200 miles to go! Are you kidding me?????? So I'm thinking.....okay we are in Texas so we can do this. 

We reach our final destination around 11:38pm. Unload some things out of the mini van and spend some time with DaShonda (my friend who is a life saver by letting us stay with her until our place is ready) before I go to sleep.  I finally get into bed around 12:38am.  Why is it I get up at 4:45am?

So tired but we made it and drove 1,823 miles in 3 days.

Well until next time....