Soothing Drops

Soothing Drops

Monday, December 17, 2012


Okay so while I was out of the office last week, my co-worker Brian texted me saying an agent sent us whoopie pies for the holidays. My first thought is Yay! Then I'm thinking who came up with the idea of whoopie pies and Where did it come from?

So me and my nerdy self went to Google and looked it up. Hey I'm on the train and I have time to kill. So I'm  thinking I'm going to get this really interesting story like it was a mistake or something.  But I find out Amish women made these with extra cake batter and filled them with cream. They would surprised their farmer husbands by putting this tasty treat in their lunch pail. So when lunch time comes, they open up their lunch pail and say "WHOOPIE!!!!!! "  Seriously???? How lame is that? That is 5 minutes I will never get back and if you are reading this.....neither will you!

Well until next time....

Thursday, December 6, 2012


One week ago I was able to experience a new genre of music......Cuban Jazz. I was invited by a friend from church and since I'm always trying to do something new I decided to give this a whirl.  It was a group of four of us and the concert was being held at the Berkelee Performance Center downtown.

As we were sitting there waiting for the concert to happen, we are all having a conversation and they are all assuring me I'm going to love it. So the lights go dim and the announcer of course tells us to turn off our cell phones and introduces CHUCHO VALDES!!!!!!!!!!  The crowd went wild and I'm thinking who the heck is Chucho Valdes? People were giving him a standing ovation and the guy didn't even start playing yet.  If you are like me and don't know who he is, I've attached his picture below. And you should Google him if you get a chance. This guy is amazing.

He comes out alone and starts playing playing the piano and man this guy was awesome! People say that I can type pretty fast but this guy can play that piano like no other. Then the rest of the group comes out and that's when things really get going.  How could I describe Cuban Jazz? It is like Jazz music on crack! It's amazing what a couple of congo's,  bata drums, and miscellaneous percussion instruments can do. I tell you every time I go to any concert I am always amazed at how much talent people have. And of course the people that know me well know that I always fall in love with the bass or drum player. Not because of how they look but they are the ones that keep the tempo of the music.

So they play for two hours straight and now I realize that I like Cuban Jazz music! If you like will definitely like Cuban Jazz so check it out. And maybe it's because I'm getting older but, I enjoyed this concert more because it wasn't as loud.  (Stop laughing) The crowd was a little more low key and it was a little more orderly than your normal concert.  But I still walk away saying "I'm going to learn how to play the drums or bass guitar."  So I need to put up or shut up sooner or later, maybe 2013 is the year to do it. I see many changes coming in the next year and it's all good so why not add a musical talent to my list? I did play the clarinet for 5 years but that doesn't count. What's so impressive about playing the clarinet.....unless you are Kenny G ha ha!

Anyhow..... I'm so thankful I was invited because it gives me the chance to know people outside of church and experience more of Boston.

Well until next time....