Soothing Drops

Soothing Drops

Monday, September 1, 2014


THIS is the day that.....I've been reflecting on the word motivation.  

This is something that I have lost over the last few months I think....when you look up the word motivation on Wikipedia (I love Wiki) it says:

Motivation is the driving force that causes the change from desire to trying to achieve in life. For example, hunger is a motivation that induces a desire to eat.
Motivation has been shown to have roots in physiological, behavioral, cognitive, and social areas. Motivation may be rooted in a basic impulse to optimize well-being, minimize physical pain and maximize pleasure. It can also originate from specific physical needs such as eating, sleeping or resting, and sex.
Motivation is an inner drive to behave or act in a certain manner. These inner conditions such as wishes, desires and goals, activate to move in a particular direction in behavior.

Then I think to myself so does lack of motivation mean a person stops trying to achieve things in life?  What if certain life circumstances prevent a person from achieving goals does that mean they lack motivation?  I have a very hard time believing that yet it is easier said than done.  
I have so many ideas running in my head at all times (don't try to get in my head because you don't even want to be there) so many things I want to do, see, buy and achieve.  Yet when I really get down to wanting to start a project or a goal.....I never seem to start it and then get mad at myself because I never finished it.  
So the whole point of this post is how do you get motivated?  Or do you already have it?  I have heard it is within everyone so how do you ignite it or get it going or whatever you want to call it?  So many people have goals in life, some want to lose weight, exercise, eat healthier, get a new job, buy a new car,  go back to school for a new career and never do it and then complain that they weren't able to do it because of lack of motivation or determination.  Now determination is a whole different chapter in the book.
So if it is an inner drive allowing motivation to happen, then what starts the inner drive?  So many questions and hard to answer.  That is something to think about.

Well until next time....