Soothing Drops

Soothing Drops

Sunday, August 11, 2013

DNA TESTING ON YOUR DOG POOP????? this past week I saw this article in the Metro.  I'm all for people being fined if they don't pick up after their dog.  But there is this condominium community where all dogs have their poop tested for their DNA.  That way if an owner doesn't pick up after their dog, they send it to this company to find out what the DNA is and which dog this poop belongs to.  Then the owner gets fined....are you kidding me??????

What this place needs to do is hire a company that picks up and removes dog poop that is not picked up.  Then any owner needs to pay a small fee that would cover the service per month.  That way you don't have to go through all of this.  

I don't know about anyone else but I would seriously think about moving into a place that does this. And boy do I feel sorry for the people who own the condo and are stuck. I mean we always pick up after our dog here but really? Dog poop DNA????  Wow!

Well until next time....


I normally don't write poetry because my brother has always been the poet and writer in the family.  But for some reason these words have been rumbling through my head so I decided to write them down.  This is rough so it's not perfect.

So here we go...


I am me
I can only be me because I am who I am
I cannot be who or how you want me to be
Because I am me

I tried to conform or do things 
as people expect them to be
But in the end I am still me
Thinking being like someone else
Trying to live their life
Want their things and do what they do
But I can't
Because I am me

I'm not perfect and never claimed to be
But I know I have a good heart, mind and soul
Because I am me
There are only a few things I can do
Exactly like others
Breathe, feel and bleed
But other than that
I am me

Just let me be who I am
Embrace who I am
Live my life to the fullest
Do the best I can
I can be happy doing the one thing I know how
and that is being me
I cannot and will not change
So let me be
I am me....I am me....I am me!

Stephenie Birmingham ~2013

Well until next time....