Soothing Drops

Soothing Drops

Saturday, September 22, 2012


Last weekend I was able to cross one more thing off of my Boston Bucket List and that was to go whale watching.  I always knew that whales were graceful animals in the water but it was even more so when you see it in person.  We didn't see any of the whales breaching but they were feeding and that was just as cool.  In a couple of the pictures you will notice that there are a lot of seagulls swimming above the water.  This is because sometimes the whales lose a few fish when they come up to the surface so the birds swoop in and it is easier for them to eat.  Enjoy some of the shots I have below:


We took the whale watching cruise with and if you know what day you are going exactly book it online, the cost is $45.00 if you book it online and $47.50 if you book it when you get there I know that isn't that much of a savings but it would be if a family were going because you get a discount for the children tickets too.

So is this something everyone should do at least once in their lifetime...OF COURSE!!!  Make sure to bring a really good camera because although my pictures are good if I had a camera that could take several pictures in a matter of seconds you can get a series of great shots of these beautiful creatures.

Well....until next time!