Soothing Drops

Soothing Drops

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


I decided that I would blog about my first year living in Boston.  Not only will it motivate me to go out and see more things, but I can share my adventures with everyone.

My first two weeks here, if anything could have happened it did.  From the movers coming three days after my furniture was supposed to be delivered, cable installation being delayed and then not working the same day and then damaged items upon arrival.  The worst part was I KNOW that the movers are lying to me about the weight of my furniture, but unfortunately I have no proof.  So all I can do at this point is suck it up, put my claim in for the broken items and move on.  But I did get out and was able to find a CVS, a laundromat, beauty supply place, and a nail place.  (gotta get the nails did!)

So far I have seen the birthplace of John Adams and John Quincy Adams on my own.  I know there is a lot of history here in Boston, and I need to suck up as much of it as I can...except going to the JFK library since Kara said I have to wait and go there with her.  But I really want to see and do a lot of things.

This Monday was officially my first day back at work, let me tell you I love the office building, our office and working in the downtown atmosphere.  Brian took me out to lunch on Monday (which was delicious) and showed me a little of downtown. I can't wait until the summer because we are within walking distance to the New England Aquarium and they let the seals play outside and I can go watch them during lunch. That's going to be neat.

All I know even though it was a rough start, things are getting better and I know that I'm really going to enjoy being in Boston.  There is a great staff there and I love my cubicle!

Zoey also likes the new place she has gotten quite comfortable but doesn't like for me to leave her.  She's gonna have to learn to deal with that. So far she has destroyed a tennis ball, busted two toys, threw one of her favorite toys in the toilet and scratched the bottom of the bathroom door.  All I can do is shake my head at the situation because right now she is sleeping like she had such an exhausting day.  I would love to have her life, gotta love her!

Well until next time!